
Update from the Team

Hello River Dwellers

Well it has been another crazy busy month! We have been hard at work preparing for the Midwest Gaming Classic, but that doesn't mean we haven't been working on Clover. Something we wanted to make sure we had ready for MGC was our steam store page so we could shamelessly ask for wish lists from people who play Clover. More importantly we are hoping to get some constructive feedback on what people think of Clover, and what are some things they would like to see as part of the game.

We look forward to continuing the work on Clover, and expect the demo to be in a finalized state in the next few months. This means that development time will be shifted from 80/20 Demo/Main Game to primarily working on the main story line of Clover. Our goal in the demo is to showcase the idea and characters of Clover, but we don't want to spoil any parts of the story for people. We will be evaluating what updates and devlogs look like in that format, where we are trying to keep certain aspects of the game a secret.

Also we have a bunch of newn promo art thanks to Pain&Suffering! We are going to be updating our Itch page, and social media accounts with them.

Finally since we have a steam store page as well as our Itch page we are going to attempt to publish our devlogs on both platforms. We will also look into updating our website so that there can be a source of truth for our devlogs, and updates.

Also here is the link to our Steam page so you can wishlist now if you are interested, and want to keep up with our development!

 Wish-list Clover on Steam Here

Take care and keep being awesome! WE love you Pigeon People!

Game Updates


      Sliding floors and walls
      Generic containers which can be opened to find cool things
        Particle effect upon opening container(not sure if keeping)


        Clover's running and Jumping animations have so much more details
        Clover now plays an instrument when playing music
      Temple at the end of the demo is more fleshed out.
        Final Puzzle logic implemented (can be viewed but not solved)
        Level design is more representative of the final floor layout
      Music playing interface no longer is continuously loaded in the background
      Instrument unlock is moved to the start of demo so players have something to use immediately
      Camera zoom for players
        When playing music the camera zooms in and out correctly
        Camera zooms in on player when on the title menu





    Identified as Broken


Files Play in browser
27 days ago

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